
Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Networker in Entrepreneurship

Quitting is not just a characteristics of losers…

Everyone has thought about throwing in the towel at one point of the other. As humans, this is a normal feeling because becoming a PRO at sales and recruiting requires one of the most difficult things for us to do.


The question that comes next is patience for how long?

Answer: For as long you are not actively engaging in this 3 things I am about to reveal to you.

Have you ever felt like you are doing everything but results are just not showing up.

“Hope deferred makes the heart weak”

…according to the scriptures right.

Here are the top 3 ways to stay motivated.

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  1. Daily morning marketing routine:
  2. Listening to Audio Training:
  3. Getting out to the events.

1. Daily Morning Marketing Routine

Ya know, the only one thing you can control in your business is your inputs. One of the best things you can do with life and business is to focus all your energy on that, which you can control or wherever your strength lies.

Outside of the digital age, we would say “go out and collect 20 ‘NOs’ per day.” In the digital age, it’s even easier to prospect. In either era, what you should not be doing is getting attached to outcomes.

It’s easier in the digital age because all you have to do is learn how to market.

Your marketing activities such as getting the emails out, setting up you ads, writing your copies, generating massive traffic and exposure for your products, services and opportunities, building a hyper-responsive list, using the art and science word combination to recruit are you inputs.

Getting attached to your inputs are directly attached to your income and business growth. Getting attached to the outcome exposes your emotions unnecessarily and it’s easy to become unmotivated.

When you focus on an outcome you cannot directly control, it becomes a negative effect on your business. In attraction science, when you focus on the negative, it expands to more negative irrespective of your intentions.

Learn one marketing skill that has proven to work and do it every morning for 90 days without worrying about the outcome. 90 days will help you turn it to 2nd nature and that’s how you win.

If you are still working a job in the morning, it doesn’t matter. Fortunes are made after 5 anyway. Set a time to perform the daily rituals for 90 days and watch your default motivation level transform.

Another reason that you are GUARANTEED to win is because the average person can only focus for 3 – 7 days. Well, the results that you want from your business are NOT AVERAGE OR TYPICAL, right? 90 Days is your ticket to freedom.

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2. Listening to Audio Training

Personally, I listen to a lot more marketing training audios than motivational training. I find that listening to other people marketing activities on Facebook, Google and other platforms motivates me to test more cool marketing tricks.

Where else does money come from outside of people? Money comes from my marketing activities. For you, it really depends on what level you are in entrepreneurship.

Everyone needs a healthy dose of leadership training foundation. The best way to consume them is in portable downloadable audio while driving, working out etc.

Essentially you want to feeding the mind as you are doing other things during the course of your day. This will create a passive source of motivation for you that will take on a life of it’s own.

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3. Get out to the Events

myempirepro events

I can’t really put my hands on this one to explain because I feel like I could never do it ‘proper’ justice. What I can tell you is that my income bumped up significantly every time I come back from an event.

In all honesty, it’s not about sitting through all the training at the event. I think it has a lot more to do with the people you meet and fellowship; PERIOD!

If you are human, you need all 3 of viral motivation secrets. It actually doesn’t matter if you get results already or not. There is always a NEXT & NEW LEVEL and the same feelings kicks in every single time you want to achieve a new level.

Some of us are born to want to be a part of the entrepreneurship game. So participating in all 3 of this activities becomes natural.

However, if you feel that you were not born to be an entrepreneur, I want to encourage you because these things can be learn behavior as well. Just do it.

It’s a matter of committing for 90 days per initiation process. It can be done and I know too many successful people who have done it.

One of the few reason why people NEVER get results in networking and marketing is because they don’t realize that “staying motivated” is a part of building an organization.

There is a FA$T way to build your business but it isn’t outside of “staying motivated.” As a matter of fact, that’s where all your blessing resides because the average person quits. There is no way around this one my friend.

Share your thoughts and questions, and I’ll “see” you in the comments!


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