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Real Estate Wholesale Contract – Why prospects say NO to you and your contract…

Real Estate Wholesale Contract – Why prospects say NO to you and your contract…

Prospecting, Real Estate Wholesaling
In this edition, you will learn the main reason why a real estate wholesale prospect may say "NO" to signing your contract. "Are you looking to sell your home?" There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking that simple question while prospecting for a real estate wholesaling business. After all, you are seeking to help a motivated seller offload a property right? But there is one simple problem. A person that you feel the need to ask that question from is not pre-qualified. You can expect to get a negative answer when you haven't taken the time to target the right audience for your products, services and opportunity and pre-qualify them. There is someone out there who already wants what you have to offer. It's your responsibility to create marketing that…
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How to Avoid Competition by FISHING in Wholesaling Houses

How to Avoid Competition by FISHING in Wholesaling Houses

Prospecting, Real Estate Wholesaling
In this edition, I explain how to use the bait, hook, line and fishing in wholesaling houses almost effortlessly. FISHING When it comes to marketing your product, services and offers, you want to be fishing. You are putting valuable information out there first and then you can work with those who respond to it. When you are fishing, there is a process. It starts with offering the fish some bait on the hook first, then you are to be able to catch them ALIVE. When you catch them alive, you are now able to see if the fish fits what you are trying to offer which is obviously a HABITAT inside your stomach? LOL. If they are not good enough, you throw them back into the water alive. At least,…
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Fooling Yourself by Calling Yourself Real Estate Wholesaler

Fooling Yourself by Calling Yourself Real Estate Wholesaler

Prospecting, Real Estate Marketing, Real Estate Wholesaling
In this edition, I explain in details why the job title real estate wholesaler is a HUGE mistake. QUOTE - From Chapter 4... What is prospecting? Prospecting is when you actually find out what somebody needs. It is when you find out if a particular person is actually in need of what you are offering?making sure there is a match. It is "NOT" necessarily when you throw up all over people with your business opportunity or offer. Prospecting is not when start telling people all the information about your business opportunity. In prospecting, you are actually FISHING. You are actually making sure that someone is a fit for what you are offering. If there is value in your offer, that simply means there is someone in the market place that…
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