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How Can One Start a Business with NO Money?

How Can One Start a Business with NO Money?

Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
QUESTION/ANSWER VIDEO: How Can One Start a Business with NO Money? "OK So? I am starting my journey as a business owner.  I am 39 years old and I've been working corporate America for 17 years. I dived in head-on right after college.  Right now,I'me scared to death because I feel I am moving backwards. It's becoming clearer and clearer that I need to launch my business but I don't have much in savings. I ended up with a bunch of bills that swallow my salary every month.  The franchise I want to buy unfortunately cost $153,000.  I do not have even $153 left after paying my bills monthly. I feel stuck. Is there a way out? How can one start a business with no money?" Learn more here:…
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How to Start a Business at Home with NO Money

How to Start a Business at Home with NO Money

Business, Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
QUESTION/ANSWER VIDEO: How to Start a Business at Home with NO Money "I invested over $50K into a deal with some friends a few years back.  I was invested and we were supposed to launch an investment club. We decided at the time buy heavy duty trucks and send to Africa. 2 years later, we couldn't even break even.   Out of about $250,000 in joint funds invested into this business, only $12,000 made it back. I don't want to give up on my dream of working for myself.  It would be my first time by myself. First of all, do I need to incorporate an LLC and please share a tip or 2 how to start a business at home with no money." The easiest business to start up…
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How to Start a Business with NO money – Ideas

How to Start a Business with NO money – Ideas

Business, Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
QUESTION/ANSWER VIDEO: How to Start a Business with NO money - Ideas "Hello OLA.  So I was watching one of your many other video where you mentioned Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I must say that the book has radically infected me with the entrepreneurship bug.  I want to launch my business. I have a small problem that affects my move in a big way.  I have not saved any money on the side for 22 years that I've been working. I guess I can start now but I don't want to wait because? Honestly? a few years ago, I was inspired by another author but shortly after life kicked back in?  Any advice?" ABOUT YOUR HOST  ::::| Ola "Tux" Abitogun is the Creator of myEmpirePRO.  He became…
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What is a business you can start with no money

What is a business you can start with no money

Business, Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
QUESTION/ANSWER - What is a business you can start with no money "I am 53 years old and I am tired.  I have been in the work force for 35 years and I have nothing to show for it. In fact, my savings account today has exactly $93 in it and I had to give it to my wife today for food. In recent times, I wondered what kind of life is this.  It's painfully worse for me because I've watched some of my friends enjoy life and breakthrough financially. When they all started as entrepreneur, I would make fun of them as dreamers.  But corporate America has gotten worse since then. The only thing I participated in was 401K which almost got wiped out in 2009. I am ready…
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How to Start a Business with NO Money or Experience

How to Start a Business with NO Money or Experience

Business, Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
VIDEO QUESTION/ANSWER - How to Recruit for Network Marketing Business "Hey OLA, So after coming back from a Tony Robbins seminar 3 months ago, I decided to take my network marketing business serious again. I got excited.  I wanted it more than ever before. But after only about 4 days of prospecting and about 17 rejections, my excitement went cold. I was frustrated before but now I am even more frustrated with myself.   I've seen this business change lives.  It makes me wonder if I have a bad luck.  "Do I?" I asked myself and became seriously depressed. What am I doing wrong?" Commitment to Consistency 2 Ways - 1. Pique + Present + Close 2. Create + Capture + Convert ABOUT YOUR HOST  ::::| Ola "Tux" Abitogun is…
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How to start a business with no money or job

How to start a business with no money or job

Business, Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
VIDEO QUESTION AND ANSWER: How to start a business with no money or job "OLA, I lost my job last year during a massive downsizing.  I've since been leaving on having savings which almost finished now. Right now, I have to watch every penny.  It hurts so bad to think I had over 1 year of salary in saving 2 years ago and it's almost all gone now. I hear you in the other video.  You shared the S.M.S formula to start a business without money.  But OLA I hate sales and I have always avoided it. Are you saying I can't build from scratch if I don't learn sales?" Referenced: ABOUT YOUR HOST  ::::| Ola "Tux" Abitogun is the Creator of myEmpirePRO.  He became a FULL TIME entrepreneur…
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What is a good business to start with no money? [3 WAYS REVEALED]

What is a good business to start with no money? [3 WAYS REVEALED]

Business, Start a Business, Start a Business with No Money
VIDEO QUESTION & ANSWER - What is a good business to start with no money? [3 WAYS REVEALED] "OLA I refuse to give up on my dreams.  About 4 years, I embarked on this journey of building a business. Since I started, I've made some sales here and there but nothing significant enough to take it over the top. I've had moments of frustration.  In fact, I pissed off my husband over and over because I can't show anything tangible from this past 4 years. But like I said, I won't give up.  I've spent way too much money of marketing and online traffic. The way it looks right now, I will have to stat all over. However I don't have it and I can't afford to invest too much…
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