
How to win bidding wars with competition

In this video, you will learn how to win bidding wars with your competitors such as other real estate wholesaling professionals and investors.


“Should I walk away if I find myself in a bidding war with other real estate wholesalers and investors?”

This question is an interesting one. If you had options and abundance of leads and prospects, would you get into bidding wars? NO!

This will only bring neediness spirit out of you. Basically, your prospects will find you unattractive to work with.

Also, you should always look for opportunities where you can add value. Chances are there is no way for you to add value to a prospect who has choices and is now in the position of power to choose.

It is better for you to have and retain the prospecting power when talking to a prospect. That’s not possible when you are in a bidding war. See my suggestion in the video.

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