
Digital Marketing Certified – Conclusion | Start The Business

In conclusion of “Digital Marketing Certified”, you will discover how to flip your thoughts & information into a $200,000+ per year income in 3 steps; no technical skills or experience required.

And you will be able to do so without cold calling, texting strangers, pestering friends and family, knocking on doors, driving for dollars and you don’t even have to leave your house… ALL REMOTELY.

This is an opportunity for you to add a project to your resume that can actually pay a 6-figure income on the side.

I want to share a story of how I became responsible for a revenue of a little more than $3 million in 24 months and kept most of it doing exactly what I am about to show you.

You too can run a 6-7 figure business all from the comfort of anywhere you want on this planet with a laptop and internet connection by flipping your thoughts and information.

Who is this for?

  1. Struggling  Real Estate Wholesalers
  2. Struggling Real Estate Agents
  3. Struggling Agency Owners
  4. Struggling Course Creators
  5. Struggling MLM’er or Network Marketers
  6. Struggling Internet Marketers & Funnel Builders
  7. Struggling & Certified Professionals

It’s a perfect program for the stay-at-home moms, side-hustlers and the likes.

Imagine waking up daily to email notifications of income ranging from $3 to $2,500 … in upwards of $200,000 per year on a 4 hour per week time-budget.

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Don’t worry about results.  I’ll show you how you can virtually GUARANTEE results for yourself; just like 1,000’s of people that have gone through my teachings since 2009.

Creating a digital side-hustle is very simple and you can probably find free information all over the place:

  • Google
  • YouTube
  • Facebook Groups
  • Books
  • Amazon

However, this level of accessibility has posed to become a problem because the internet is like a bathroom wall that everyone is throwing stuff on.  So you don’t even know who is telling the truth or not; everyone is a guru.

There is nothing worse than investing $25,000 into a coach you found at an hotel seminar or some random webinar only to find out that 1-2 years has gone past, and you still haven’t made a single penny; much less $200,000… even in 25 years.

You feel even worse, if you’ve spent 40,000 hours watching free YouTube videos collecting information, doing every gimmicky things prescribed by gurus such as:

  • Cold calling people who just curse at you
  • Texting strangers, 
  • Pestering friends and family, 
  • Knocking on doors, 
  • Driving for dollars
  • Selling cream and vitamins 
  • Calling yourself an entrepreneur…

Trying to become…

  • Real Estate Wholesaler
  • Real Estate Agent
  • An Agency Owner
  • A Course Creator
  • An MLM’er or Network Marketer…Getting rejection with every interaction
  • An Affiliate Marketer & Funnel Builder
  • The Next Big Certified IT Professionals with 2 or 3 remote jobs

…Feeling like a dreamer and a failure to your family all at the same time.  It’s a terrible feeling. In this final chapter, I will help you stop all of that and put you on the right path.

There are 3 simple steps involved in flipping your thoughts into market value successfully but first, you should realize this.  You are simply organizing your thoughts into  an online journal.

After that, you can then use automated systems  to attract people browsing and searching online who find value in your wisdom for up to a $15,000 fee.  Your profit comes from the fact that you got here first.

I made $82,000, my highest net profit in one single day using the same method in real estate.  So here is the “dirty” little secret of flipping your thoughts & information to money from anywhere

Since 2005, I have been averaging as low as $3 and as high as $82,000 per sales commission deposited or wired directly into my business bank and PayPal accounts.  Here are the 3 steps.

STEP 1 – Understanding that there is value in my experience, thoughts and insights for other people.

STEP 2 – Leveraging automated systems to set up an online log of my daily thoughts and insights strategically aligned with products and services that people already want… up to $15,000 per customer.

STEP 3 – Attracting people and building an audience of people who are searching and browsing online for value into my online community.

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Those are the 3 steps involved to start collecting some serious money consistently when you rinse and repeat.  If you use a smartphone, a laptop and social media, it’s a simple digital age skill and I will show you how to get it all set up and running within the next 11 days; we call it…

social media

11 Days Challenge

But before that, who da heck am I and how do I qualify to even talk about or present this $205,000 annual income formula and business opportunity to you?

My name is OLA.  I am the creator of myEmpirePRO and the author of…

  1. Digital Marketing Certified
  2. Smart Real Estate Wholesaling
  3. Real Estate Money Secrets

… and Get My Marriage Back which I co-authored with my wife Lola.

I launched my first profitable business back in 2005. It was the last year of college where I bagged 2 seemingly useless degrees at the time from NJIT.

  • B. Sc in Computer Engineering
  • M. Sc in Engineering Management.

I learned the 40-40-40 plan from those 2 programs.

  • Working 40 hours per week.
  • For the next 40 years.
  • Taking home $40,000 per year.

Wait… There is another “40”.  Trying to pay off a $40,000 school loan. The worst deal I have ever signed up for in my life.

Anyway, I joined the entrepreneurship game and closed my 1st deal in December 2005.  I’ve closed tons of deals since then obviously while encountering 40,000+ obstacles.  

But because of this opportunity, you don’t have to experience the same obstacles and learning curve.  Since the beginning, I’ve had $100, $1,000, $5,000, $15,000 and upwards of $82,000 single days by simply flipping my thoughts, my insights and information on the internet.  But let’s slow down.

After transactions worth over $3 million 2 years after my first deal.  Things started to slow down. I lost everything eventually. Thanks to the 2008 recession.  Then I went on a mission to learn how to apply the Warren Buffett rule to the knowledge-equity I had built from all the experience.

That Warren Buffet rule is to learn how to make money in my sleep.  The internet was a great place to learn that.  Within one year, I was back to $40,000 per month in revenue without having to be on the streets or begging family and friends to do business with me.

In 2012, I applied the same modern day marketing and business scaling skills into a partnership model, it worked.  But before I continue, it is important that I share this story with you. You’ll understand why in a minute.

“Can I Make a Confession? I don’t enjoy taking risks.  And if you’re like me and you’d prefer to do business without losing sleep at night on the fear of “what if” your life savings go south with big risks, we are on the same page.

For me, I only had 10 conditions before I could consider the risk low enough for me to take.  So you will find in a second that building a digital 6-figure side-hustle is not as risky or difficult as you may have thought.

What I wanted was:

  1. To be able to do it from anywhere as long as I have my laptop and decent internet connection,
  2. A part-time 4 hours work-week just in case I need to temporarily maintain a full time job.
  3. To be able to secure at least a full time 6-figure income doing it with a potential for 7-figure.
  4. A business with no Equipment to manage
  5. A business with no physical inventory to ship out to anybody.
  6. A business with no employees necessary to get started and start making money.
  7. A business with low upfront investment because I was coming out of college with no savings.
  8. To be able to teach others because I know it would come back to me literally in multiple folds.
  9. A business with no licenses, degrees or special certification necessary because I wasn’t going to take out any more school loans anyway.
  10. To Serve Basic Human Needs and be recession proof essentially.

If you want an opportunity that would provide a decent lifestyle, quickly and easily with something we all already engage in and even in this moment, then listen up closely.

Imagine being able to earn the money you need to  Initiate the projects you are passionate about.  Imagine becoming an investor for your loved ones’ passion projects, being able to afford your desired charity initiative, being able to mess around and use cash to test other types of creative business ventures and become an investor in the companies that create the products and services you use daily.  

Isn’t that the end goal anyway?  After hitting $10,000 in monthly residual income, I have been able to change my life and more because of the simple skills I will be revealing to you. It’s all about attracting people, while leveraging the year that we live in.

I call it 2000&DIGITAL.

My methods are very simple and I use it to attract a minimum of 1,000 video views, 1,000+ hours of watch time every single day.

And by the way, my videos with 10-20 views tend to generate the most money because at the end of the day, these are real human beings turning to daily income because of the value they are receiving.  I will show you how to set this all up easily.

So my offer to you is an 11 days challenge to follow my lead and get your thoughts and information-flipping empire all set up and running in 11 days.

If you have $9,875, you can make it happen starting today.  So you should therefore assume that any price less than that on this page www.11DaysChallenge.com is for a limited time only.

You can take a RISK-FREE trial of the 11 Days Challenge.  In 11 days, you too will be all set up to do exactly the same thing that the gurus and top producers do effortlessly.  Here is a breakdown of what to expect.

Fundamentals & Overview

DAY 1 – Fundamentals & Overview

By the end of the first day, you will have a full understanding of the fundamentals of flipping your thoughts and information into $200,000 in annual profits by way of my easy to understand teaching style.

DAY 2 – Branding YOU Inc. Formula

You would have picked the right name, and set up a brand that positions you for high competitive advantage and brand equity.

DAY 3 – High Converting Bio Formula

You would have used our proprietary formula to set up two versions of bio that will get the best quality of prospects falling over each other to work with you. 

DAY 4 – Social Media Branding Formula

You would have used our social media setup formula to set up profiles that will get the best quality of prospects falling over each other to work with you. 

DAY 5 – Million Dollar Hub Formula 

You would have set up your personal central information hub that is designed to log and flip its content to cash consistently.

DAY 6 – The System Formula

By the end of the 6th day, you would have used this formula, with my help of course, to set up a machine that does all the selling for you.  If you hate selling and bothering people to buy, this is a must-have part of your empire.

DAY 7 – The Invisible Money Formula

By the 7the day, you will learn how to build an online virtual bank that will potentially take care of you and your family for the rest of your life. I am aware that this is a bold statement. 

DAY 8 – Self Liquidating Formula

Have you wondered “exactly what am I going to be selling on the internet?”. By the 8th day, that question will be answered. For now, just think about all those Amazon boxes that come to your door step on a monthly basis; damn near everyday.

DAY 9 – The Research30 Library Formula

The foundational first 30 days of building a digital empire is very important and one single mistake can mess it all up. With this formula, you would have eliminated one of the most terrible mistakes that many make when they don’t have access to this challenge; winging things along.

DAY 10 – The Feed Formula

By the end of 10th day, you would have executed the feeding process of your digital empire successfully for the first time. 

DAY 11 – The Launch30 Library Formula

This includes a review of the last previous 10 days, $5,000 value raffle draw & assessment.  By the end of the last day of the challenge, you would have launched your very own digital information flipping empire.

You will also be able to enter into a raffle draw to win $5,000 worth of additional value from our platform.  And lastly, you will get an assessment to ensure that you are mastering the game of a profitable information-flipping digital empire from home.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to do anything crazy like cold-calling people who just curse at you, texting strangers, pestering friends and family, knocking on doors, driving for dollars, selling cream and vitamins and calling yourself an entrepreneur or a boss on social media.  You can finally secure a 6-figure income business with this system.

These are short 5 minutes easy-to-navigate tutorials to get you up and running a 6 to 7-figure operation quickly and easily.  I have created the 11 days challenge so that you can copy and paste my system that is working right now into your business and income template today.

If you are frustrated from looking for a simple-to-implement hustle from home, you need the 11 days challenge.  But if you are looking for your 1st celebratory sale, even better simply because you don’t have to unlearn 1983 old school marketing strategies that don’t work effectively and efficiently anymore.  

This is the digital business empire exactly the way the gurus and biggest influencers do it.  Life comes with very few guarantees, but here is one of them.  Time will continue to pass; including the next 11 days.  

And that’s also whether or not we allow ourselves the pleasure and the adventure of building a million dollar digital business empire within the next 11 days.  If that sounds non-typical, that’s normal.  The type of income and lifestyle you are contemplating on creating are non-typical.

But here is another guarantee.  In addition to the low investment, you also have a 30 days 100% money back guarantee.  If any time before your 30th day anniversary you feel that this isn’t working for you, it’s a one click cancellation button and you get 100% of your money back as long as it is within 30 days of that particular transaction.  The only risk in your decision is attached to not taking action.

WARNING: Whatever price you are looking at on www.11DaysChallenge.com seems unrealistic right? That’s because it is unrealistically crazy. It’s for a limited time only.  You will notice the countdown clock there..

What If You Are Already In A Business But Struggling?

99% are stuck on the guru’s “from grass to grace” story, but they are going broke trying to implement.  There are so many wanna-be gurus teaching the old school and outdated ways or stuff they copied from a course repository.  While the gurus are teaching these strategies that only work 1% of the time, they are growing influence and their marketing budget using the strategies that work 100% of the time.

Remember that this 6-7 figures 11 days method and the system is 100% risk free. I built the system we are using for myself and it cost me $173,000.  It costs me a lot of money to maintain as well.  You are not taking any risk… I am.

All you have to do is ride on my shoulders and the years of experience I’ve built since closing my first deal in December 2005. Check it out at www.11DaysChallenge.com .

social media

Here Are 4 Limited-Time Bonuses You Get Today When You Accept the 11 Days Challenge Today.

DMi15 – This is our Digital Marketing Intensive 15 Weeks Training.  You will get to master the art and sciences of marketing and advertising in the digital age in 15 weeks and get certified.

(This is a $4,997 Value)

myEmpirePRO Inner Circle – By accepting this challenge, you are automatically accepted to join the inner circle for top class and on-going training support in your digital marketing career journey and endeavors.

(This is a $9,875 Value)


myEmpirePRO Elite Coop PartnershipWith this program, we accept a limited number of people to partner with us while we actually do all the work of building their digital business-empire feed.

(This is a $997 Value)


11 Days Challenge to Wholesale Real Estate Operation – This is the 5 stages-execution of building your very own 6-7 figure wholesale real estate operation in the next 11 days.

 (This is a $2,497 Value)


In addition to the real life testimonials and success stories you are about to watch here at www.11DaysChallenge.com , this is how we came up with $200,000 potential annual income.  We are not guaranteeing it since we can’t guarantee your participation level over the next 11 days.  But here it goes.

I will help you set up a system that collects $48.50 monthly from 100 customers.  That’s $4,850 per month.  The 11 days challenge is designed to help you set up a system that attracts the prospects and subsequently the customers and convert the sales by itself.

Not only will the system attract customers, it’s also designed to help you build a team who will set up their own digital mini-franchise with a goal to attract their very own 100 customers. 

You are entitled to 20% of that $48.50 they collect from each of these customers.  That’s $9.70 each.  So 100 customers of yours with 10 customers each or 10 customers of yours with their own 100 customers will result in 1,000 customers on the second level of your organization.  

When you multiply that 1,000 customers with $9.70, that’s a team production of $9,700.  Go ahead and add that to your personal monthly production of $4,850. That’s a total business revenue of $14,550 and when you multiply that by 12 months; it’s $174,600.

And then there is the opportunity of upgrading 30% of your customers to a $1,000-sale for an additional $29,955 per year.  We now have an estimated $2000,000 annual income, a bunch of relationships, a robust library of your thoughts based on the formula that has worked for us since 2009 and a bunch of professional relationships and partnerships that you can build more on; just for joining this powerful community.

Remember that this formula only assumes 10% success rate outside of your personal efforts and still pays lucratively.  Watch this video from my friends who have used my training and systems to generate upwards of $230,000 per month and even $4 million in a single year.

I’ll see you inside. www.11DaysChallenge.com 

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