
In Real Estate Wholesaling, Exposure Is Everything

In this edition, I explain why most of the problems you will encounter in real estate wholesaling can be solved with massive exposure.

Find a way to leverage the machines and tools that we have today for massive exposure and marketing. Some of those tools are actually available for free on the internet today. We can start with your favorite social media platform and its many tools to share a message. Isn’t it free?

So what are you exposing? Your message which should contain the value and solution that your product and service brings to the market place.

In the real world, this will not be just a product and/or the service that you offer. It will also include a verbally or written expressed form of how these products and/or services would enhance your prospects life.

How should you expose this message? Expose value first. Do it exactly like you would when you fish with a bait, line and hook. Lead with value. This is the fundamental basis of attraction marketing.

QUESTION“Hi OLA. So I drove by my neighborhood and I was able to find 5 properties that looks abandoned. I did some research at my county website but I can’t find much.

I went back to one of them and I spoke to a neighbor. He promised to get me some information from one of the children of the old lady that passed away.

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It’s been 2 weeks and I am exhausted at just the part of trying to get a person to talk to. This process is what I learn so far in the part 1 of a real estate wholesaling seminar I just bought into.

I’m thinking of getting my my money back. Should I or is this going to get better? Please help.”

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Ola “Tux” Abitogun is the Creator of myEmpirePRO. He became a FULL TIME entrepreneur in October 2006.

He is a computer engineer and an engineering management graduate from New Jersey Institute of Technology; (NJIT) class of 2004/5. He was born in Dallas Texas and raised in Nigeria by his Nigerian parents. He considers himself a proud Nigerian American.

Today, he is a marketing addict, trainer, marketing and business consultant, real estate investor and all around serial entrepreneur. Most importantly, he is husband and father to their 2 Boys. The professional work he is mostly proud of is personally helping 1,000+ entrepreneurs around the world reach greater heights in their careers.

#myEmpirePRO #OLATuxAbitogun #realestate

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