
Network Marketing 2.0: 7 benefits it creates in your business.

In this post, I want to talk about just 7 of the benefits of upgrading your networking business to network marketing 2.0. We’ve covered the network marketing 2.0 in details in this course.

We all know that some things just don’t change. But we also know that technology changes everything from a different context of course. That’s what network marketing 2.0 is all about.

1. Demand

The demand for extra source of income have obviously increased over the past few years. If everything else were equal, that’s a great thing for networking professionals.

Because of this single factor, there is no such thing as running out of people to talk to about your business. The only time way that can exist is if you get stuck with OLD SCHOOL network marketing 1.0 .

3 Billion Prospects are on the Internet for your Network Marketing BusinessAccording to this graph from eMarketer, 2.89 billion of your prospects were on the internet in 2014 and that number was projected to climb to 3 billion in 2015.

That’s almost half of the population of mankind. Therefore, you can never complain about not having enough people to show your business to.

2. Supply

When there is too much supply of an idea, a product or service, it declines its value. That holds for anything even in the digital age.

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To be honest, there is an over supply of business opportunity in the market place. This automatically declines its perceived value to an average person… especially in the first world.

They’ve seen it all.

Surprisingly to me, I met a guy at my local meeting here in New Jersey, who never heard about network marketing. But he knew about Quixtar which was a brand pushed by Amway once upon a time.

The way prospects show decline in perceived value for business opportunity is through the all time high skepticism. Even many existing networkers are skeptical about their own success beliefs.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

Here is my point…

Yes, there may be an over-supply of business opportunities but there is a shortage of supply of YOU as a personal brand and as a leader in the market place.

So just as we teach in network marketing 2.0, if you change the focus of your promotion from the business opportunity to YOU as a leader in the market place, a paradigm shift will occur.

This will not only attract people to you because people love following leaders but it will attract the right type of hungry prospects that will fall in love with buying anything you recommend.

(NOTE: Want to discover the network marketing 2.0 concept through our 3 videos crash course? After it you can build your downline WITHOUT the need to mess with yourfamily and friendsever again? PLUS our Automatic Downline Builder Program. post_name; ?>&popup=1″ target=”_blank”>Automatic-Downline-Builder

3. Multiple Streams of Income

Most network marketing company have a serious issue with cross recruiting. Cross recruiting is moving people from one company to the other or you trying to sell other stuff outside of their product.

When you focus of building your very own leadership brand on the front network marketing 2.0 style, it suddenly becomes a non-issue.

Let me ask you a question…

Have you ever seen a medical doctor with a big Tylenol sign in front of his/her practice office?

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You probably said ‘NO’. I don’t care what you said. It doesn’t exist. However, if Tylenol will solve a patience problem, the doctor would recommend it and…


…. sometimes, they get commission kickbacks from that.

Network Marketing 2.0 allows you to benefit from multiple sources of income without running into compliance problem.

Guess what! You don’t have to be confused with pushing multiple stuff either. There is method to the madness. You can learn more inside [network marketing 2.0 deluxe book, audio and video.]

4. Urgency

A sense of urgency is a good thing to have in sales generally. If you don’t have it, your prospects will step all over you and never join your deal or buy your stuff.

That’s not what you want right?

When you follow the network marketing 2.0 rules, not only are you not allowed to chase people around or play phone tags to catch attention, you won’t have to do that.

How would it feel for you to have more leads that time allows you to speak to? That’s great problem to have.

Guess what. Your prospects can smell that you have time for BS or excuses or reasons or anything outside of signing up. In fact, you shouldn’t be available in person to soak such negative energy… with respect to building your business.

This creates a sense of urgency and high demand for your attention making it ridiculously effortless to sponsor people and to make multiple streams of commission.

5. Positioning

Everything, I’ve covered thus far trickles down to positioning. How does your prospect perceive you? When you launched a home business with a ONE TIME home meeting, that’s a powerful position to be in.

When you do 2nd and 3rd home meeting with only 2 people people showing up to each one, that’s a bad positioning to be in and that will force you to beg them to join.

Even if you decide not to, you’ve got a human brain in your head. You will probably feel the need to beg or feel frustration about the whole idea of a home business.

…all because you got stuck with network marketing 1.0.

6. Branding

Again, I already touched on this. But it deserves it’s own spot because, it’s just that powerful.

Let me just ‘disBantle’ a myth. Personal brand does not equal to forcing yourself to become a guru or calling yourself an expert like a clown.

It requires a little bit more and little bit less. I am not sure if that makes sense. Just note that it must have authenticity in it to work.

The key thing is to never push your business opportunity brand on the front because that only forces your prospects to Google the name.

Guess what they are going to find.

A bunch of article that relates those companies’ name to word ‘scam’ with all kind of funny agendas. That will destroy your chances of sponsoring, recruiting or selling to that prospect ever.

Leading with your brand at its core means leading with value.

7. Excitement

When you are positioned like a boss FINALLY, it’s exciting. There is a serious myth that when you join a networking marketing deal, you are now a boss or an entrepreneur… WRONG.. HYGGGNNNN… NOT TRUE.

I know thousands of network marketers as you can imagine. Heck, I have 6,000 of them in my team alone. The brain in the head of 98% of them are no where remotely close to the brain of an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs are excited regardless of the status of their business. Again, they are not quitters. They are EXCITED about the ride. They are EXCITED about the journey.

This is a major part of the idea I created in 2010 called network marketing 2.0. It helps with and requires the unleashing of the boss mindset and the entrepreneurship inside of you.

I use the word ‘boss’ lightly in this article because the boss are the customers. It all starts with giving consistent and massive value to the world. That’s major.. with the network marketing 2.0 era.

(NOTE: Want to discover the network marketing 2.0 concept through our 3 videos crash course? After it you can build your downline WITHOUT the need to mess with yourfamily and friendsever again? PLUS our Automatic Downline Builder Program. post_name; ?>&popup=1″ target=”_blank”>Automatic-Downline-Builder

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