In this edition, you will discover how you can leverage the simple concept of search engine optimization (SEO) to generate organic traffic and exposure for your business and brand.
QUESTION – “Hi OLA. I launched my website in March of 2013. I think I’ve made a total of $78 since that time? 4 years later. My website is still there which means I pay hosting and other stuff every month.
About 3 months ago, I sent this guru guy $1,000 just for 30 minutes of his time. On that coaching call, he told me that I need to spend $3,000 a month on traffic generation per month.
He tried to sell me his traffic package but I couldn’t purchase simply because he couldn’t give me any type of guarantee.
There must be a way out because everything says I should quit but my heart says hold on. Can you please share a few tips? Is there a hack somewhere that I’m missing? I need traffic.”
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Ola “Tux” Abitogun is the Creator of myEmpirePRO. He became a FULL TIME entrepreneur in October 2006.
He is a computer engineer and an engineering management graduate from New Jersey Institute of Technology; (NJIT) class of 2004/5. He was born in Dallas Texas and raised in Nigeria by his Nigerian parents. He considers himself a proud Nigerian American.
Today, he is a marketing addict, trainer, marketing and business consultant, real estate investor and all around serial entrepreneur. Most importantly, he is husband and father to their 2 Boys. The professional work he is mostly proud of is personally helping 1,000+ entrepreneurs around the world reach greater heights in their careers.
#myEmpirePRO #OLATuxAbitogun #seo
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