
What is Wholesale House Flipping & How to Make $10K-$20K Flipping Houses?

Finally, what is wholesale house flipping?

More importantly, how can you setup a wholesale house flipping business that makes $10K-$20K per seal every month?

There are 5 important steps to doing it and I want to share it with you right now right here.

Take the time to watch this video as I have taken the time to explain the wholesale house flipping business elaborately.


This is single most important thing that you get paid for as a real estate wholesaler.


You now know that you get paid for finding deals and putting them under contract.

But what is a deal?

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A deal is an opportunity to purchase a property with in-built equity in it.

That means being able to purchase a real estate property at a purchase price that is at least 35% lower than its present market value.

You will not be purchasing this property with your own money.

You are simply securing an option to purchase the property for a good deal and that’s all you want.


Once you acquire equitable interest in a property by putting it under contract, it is time to sell that piece of paper for $10,000 or more to a fix and flipper.

Where can you find these people?

First of all, i want you to note that your buyers are not just limited to savvy cash buyers.

Your most valued buyers can range from first time real estate buyers to savvy buyers who buy hundreds of home.

With our strategy, you will be treating everyone equally.

So how do you find buyers from everywhere?


Not only are you looking for buyers, you already know that you are looking for motivated sellers who absolutely need to get rid of a property.

You new title is “MARKETER”.

You are not a real estate investor and you don’t get paid for that title.

If you want to get paid as wholesale house flipping professional, you need to master marketing.

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When you market to potential buyers, your primary object is to build a perpetually growing list.

It’s the most cost effective way for you to market in a digitally competitive environment.

To gain access to a list of unlimited potential sellers, go to:


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We help people make 6-7 figure income from home.

Are you next in line?