
What is Wholesale Real Estate Investing⁉️📍 & ZILLOW Prospecting

One of the most commonly asked questions I get is “what is wholesale real estate investing?”

Wholesale Real estate investing involves the investment of time and marketing skills in finding deeply discounted properties…

In place of an actual traditional investment capital in real estate for the purpose of quick profits.

On the previous post, we dived through 3 irrefutable ways to fail in wholesale real estate investing, so be sure to check it out.

I know.

Maybe I should break that down a little further right?

Real estate is a necessity in every society and…

Because of that, investing in it can be a very long term lucrative model.

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In fact …

“Over the last two centuries, about 90 percent of the world’s millionaires have been created by investing in real estate.”


But to invest in real estate for an average person can be a very expensive fit.

Also, people who invest in real estate on a regular basis need to find good deals and that can be time consuming.

In addition to that, it takes marketing skills to create a pipeline in order to have options that funnels into the best deals.

Every investor wants to have a portfolio of the best deals in town right?

That takes marketing skills to find.

Because of this, you don’t have to have the capital for a down payment to purchase a property in order to capitalize on real estate investment.

If you have time and can master marketing skills, you can invest it in finding deeply discounted deals for people who have the capital.

The highest fee I have ever collected is $82,000 from one wholesale real estate investing deal.

Below is a question for us to address with this lesson…

“Here, I found a property on Zillow.

Manage to text the seller to get details on the property she’s currently selling for $25k.

Couldn’t negotiate any lower than $20K.

She mentions it is MOVE IN READY so it only needs a little TLC.

—Text from the seller—

Ok. Would you like to see the house?

Ok. Well, Whenever you want to schedule a walk though just let me know.

I have 2 people scheduled to see it tomorrow.

—End Text from the seller—

My question is how to bring up in a conversation with the seller the purchase and sell agreement?”

Enjoy the video.

Can you Generate Leads or Deals for Wholesale Real Estate Investing on Zillow?

Absolutely but there is a but.

As a wholesaler, your primary duty is actually marketing and how fast you can get through leads.

There are tools that many successful people use to scrape properties for sale by owner on Zillow.

If that’s what you are using to generate properties that are potentially available for sale, that’s fine.

But the idea of just going on to that site and having unnecessary long conversations with non-motivated sellers is what you should avoid.

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When you are dealing with a prospect, as marketer you should always imagine what’s in it for them?

Whats the value for them in listing their property on Zillow?

Do they need to sell fast or they just want to avoid paying a sales commission?

So when a seller says the property is move-in ready, that’s just one data point but not necessarily the end.

There is ONE THING you need to know.

Are they motivated or not?

If a seller insists that you have to see the house, the answer is “sure, I want to see the house.”

But more importantly, does that signal low or high motivation to sell?

What is wholesale real estate investing and How to Make Offers like a PRO.

Here is 2nd Secret about Making Wholesale Real Estate Investing Offers on Zillow…

When a seller tells you that they have other options outside of you, that’s okay and always okay.

If that’s not okay with you, it means you do not have options of leads coming into your business pipeline daily.

At that point, you should be worried about running a dead business.

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Your Turn!

If you want to learn how to build a pipeline of leads generation for your business, download Smart Real Estate Wholesaling for FREE NOW!

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