In this guide, we are providing you with a comprehensive guide to launching Facebook ads for real estate investors and wholesale professionals.
5 Surefire Real Estate Facebook Ads Examples & Digital Marketing For Real Estate Investors and Wholesale Professionals
This is Facebook advertising and Instagram marketing for real estate investing and wholesaling. This is for you if you agree that that “driving for dollars” barely works for anyone.
In the series we cover the details of the 7 steps of Facebook advertising campaign execution as outlined here:
1) Market Research
2) Data & Audience Creation
3) Landing Page & Funnel
4) Ads & Creatives
5) Setup Your Campaign
6) Track Your Campaign
7) Optimize Your Campaign
[Part 1 of 7] Market Research To Be Done Before Setting up Any Facebook Ads for Real Estate Investors
In Part 1 of 7, we cover market research; these are the steps and facts to know on Facebook advertising for real estate investors.
1) Who1? Motivated Sellers
The first question you should ask when embarking on any type of business is this. “Who do I wan to serve?”
That question can be assessed in quite a few different ways. Another way is to ask; “whose problem am I looking to solve” or…
“What problem am I looking to solve?”
The answer to that question gives you the opportunity to target or know WHO to target with you marketing campaigns on Facebook.
So with the marketing message primarily being, “I buy houses”, it’s not as simple as buying just any house as you probably already know.
You are looking to buy deeply discounted houses and real estate.
That’s how to create built-in equity that you can profit of; the very definition of what it is to be a real estate investor or wholesaler.
So the first ideal person who would be willing to sell you a deeply discounted house would be crazy to do that unless they have to…
…unless they have a motive beyond money… they have to be a MOTIVATED SELLER. They have life issues and can’t afford to hold the property
2) Who2? Cash Buyers
The 2nd target audience for you as a wholesale real estate professional is the cash buyer.
There is saying that “your money is already in the hands of another person.” Well, that’s the cash buyer.
You have ONE mission in this game that will make you the KING that everyone wants a piece of. You have to build an ever growing perpetual list of buyers.
In fact, let’s take it a step further.
If you want to make some serious money, there is a territory that no one is walking or treading in right now. If you can get in…
Everyone in the real estate wholesaling will bow to you.
This is mostly applicable to you if all you want to do is wholesale. But you can also put your Facebook Ads campaign on steroids with affiliate marketing which is another fancy term for referral to info-products online.
By integrating your investor cash buyer list building by Facebook Ads with affiliate marketing, you won’t have to wait to close deals in order to make money.
All you have to do is type in “real estate investing” under interest targeting in the Adset level. Then watch Facebook automatically start suggesting other related interests for you.
There are tons of community and groups on Facebook where these investors (savvy and newbie) are hanging out on Facebook. It’s yours for the grabs.
3) Where? Location – Hot Cities
Part of our market research is to determine 2 different factors about location.
The first one is to decide if you want to focus on marketing to and prospecting from your home town in your backyard.
The 2nd, my favorite, is to decide that we are in a global village and the world is your backyard.
With that being said, you… like most people, are probably limited on marketing budget and it has to be managed just like other resources.
Therefore if you are spending less than $100 per day on your Facebook Ads campaign, you need to determine what the hottest cities are so that you can allocate that resource (your marketing budget) appropriately.
Real estate investing is about location, location location traditionally-Guess what you can do with your Facebook Ads…
To many respects, that’s still a very valid truth.
Facebook allows you to target cities and zip codes plus minimum of 15 miles radius.
So in order to pick the hottest cities to target with your Facebook ads, it’s only wise to determine the cities where real estate investors are buying for cash the most.
All real estate transactions are recorded publicly in most civilized societies.
The sales prices they are sold for are also recorded plus any lien such as mortgages originated against the property.
The mathematical difference between the sales price and the total mortgage and/or lien recorded (if any) determines the amount of equity in the property.
If there are no mortgages recorded, that means 2 things….
- (1) The property is owned free and clear with 10% equity.
- (2) The sales was a cash transaction.
So there are websites and online tools that aggregate all this information where you can pull all cash transaction records.
You can use tools like Excel/Google Sheet pivot tables to determine the cities with the highest amount of cash real estate transaction within a selected period of time.
That will tell you the cities that your potential cash buyers are buying in.
Therefore that information is money and it allow you to literally read minds and…
Focus your resources in marketing budget targeting the right location.
This is an important part of your market research as you can then simply pick the top 7-10 cities….
(based on the number of cash real estate transactions) and focus your marketing target there. But of course….
The Old school gurus would tell you to roam around meetup groups asking for this information.
Success loved speed. As you can see, you can see a more accurate data following this simple process.
4) Monthly Budget? -Niche Level
5) Experience? Scale!
6) Build Retargetable Interests; Retargeting
7) Facebook & Instagram
[Part 2 of 7] Data & Audience Creation
In Part 2 of 7, we cover data & audience creation; these are the steps and facts to know on exactly how to target home sellers on Facebook.
1) Pivot Table for Hot Cities & Use for Location Audience
2) Built-in Motivated Data source & Upload as FB Custom Audience, Nationwide Vacant & Pre-Foreclosures
We use myREiPRO for this..
3) All home owners data.
[Part 3 of 7] Landing Page & Funnels for Motivated Sellers
In Part 3 of 7, we cover landing page & funnels; these are the steps and facts to know on where to send motivated seller after clicking on your Facebook ads.
1) Banner Plain digital bandit signs
2) Facebook Lead Ads
3) External lead capture form on a landing page.
Try Getresponse Here
Try ClickFunnels Here
4) Massive Buyer’s List with Funded Proposal Sales Funnel
[Part 4 of 7] 5 Examples of “We Buy Houses” Facebook Ads & Creatives
In Part 4 of 7, we cover ads & creatives; this is where we talk about the exact visual that your “we buy houses Facebook ads” display as the first impression and the tools need to create them.
1) Offer – Solution, Answer, Pleasure
2) Image, Video or Carousel
3) Less than 20% Text
4) Creation Tools
a) Typorama App
See the last 3 parts of the 7 below…
Facebook is the 2nd largest platform generating the most ads revenue right now because it works if done right.
If you are an investor or a wholesaler, the ONE THING you should know is that you should capture as many of the attentions you generate from Facebook as possible.
If you don’t, it will be very expensive.
If you are a wholesaler, focus on
- building a list of real estate investors (cash buyers),
- monetizing the list and
- connecting them to deals from traditional wholesalers.
What I just shared is the difference between $1-$3 per lead and $50-$500 per lead. Learn more about is in my book Smart Real Estate Wholesaling.
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How do I target real estate investors on Facebook?
It’s easy to target real estate investors on Facebook as they have gurus, systems and tools with Facebook pages that they follow.
These are converted to interests that Facebook allows you to target with your ads on the Ads Manager.
Do Facebook ads work for real estate?
Facebook ads work for real estate as long as you target your audience precisely with a corresponding value that you offer.
Also, it works better if you build a list and audience with upfront monetization in mind to avoid depending on closed deals before turning profit.
How do I target my real estate ad on Facebook?
There are many interest segments related to real estate that Facebook allows you to target including gurus, systems, tools, homeowners etc.
It just depends on what you offer in the industry.
How do I create a Facebook ad for real estate?
The 1st step is to predetermine what you want to offer the industry between, representing buyers, sellers or find deals for investors.
How do real estate ads work on Facebook?
Facebook ads for real estate shows to your target audience in their different feeds on mobile and desktop as well as other networks of platform outside on Facebook.
An example is Instagram which is also owned by Facebook.
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