
Mastering Real Estate Hustle in 2024 – The Clever Investor Way

So, forget the usual five steps for now. Today, we’re here to talk about a burning question: Is wholesaling dead in 2024? Watch this video first…

Well, it’s not the actual transaction that’s deceased, but the traditional way of doing it has kicked the bucket.

Stick around, and I’ll spill the beans on how to hustle the Clever Investor way.

Wholesaling’s Funeral: Why it’s Dead and Buried

If you’ve been following the traditional wholesaling path, it’s time for a reality check.

The noise in the market has reached deafening levels, and conventional strategies are six feet under.

As marketers, we tend to mess things up, and the old-school approach is no longer cutting it.

Adaptability is the name of the game.

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So, what’s the Clever Investor way?

Meet Cody Sperber: The Clever Investor

If you’ve stumbled onto enough wholesale real estate videos, chances are you’ve heard of Cody Sperber, the brains behind the Clever Investor brand.

I don’t know him personally, but I’ve been seeing him around forever.

Now, let’s unravel five ways he’s hustling in 2024.

#5 Be the Medium: Embrace the Power of Media

In the age of digital dominance, you need to be the medium, be the media.

Traditional marketing channels are becoming outdated.

Cody Sperber is nailing it by being present where people’s attention lies – the internet, mobile phones, email, apps, and social media news feeds.

Shift your mindset and consider your business as a media platform where transactions happen.

#4 Be the Source: Bring Deals to the Table

Become the go-to person who brings opportunities to the table.

Be the source of deals and leads. This is a good source of wholesale real estate leads and deals by the way…

In a world filled with noise, being the one who consistently provides value positions you at the forefront of the game.

#3 Build a Personal Brand: Become the Solution

Building a personal brand naturally follows when you’re the medium and the source.

As the one solving problems and providing solutions, you become the cornerstone of the conversation.

People turn to you, and your personal brand becomes synonymous with reliability and expertise.

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#2 Always be Creating: The Content Magic

Content is king, and Cody knows it.

By always creating valuable content, you attract leads and deals.

In a world where attention is scarce, being a content creator sets you apart.

Digital marketing is your key to success in 2024.

#1 Continuing Education: Stay Ahead of the Game

The real estate game is evolving.

Old-school methods won’t cut it anymore.

Cody Sperber’s way involves a commitment to continuous learning.

Don’t get stuck in the past; stay ahead by thinking outside the box. If wholesaling is a puzzle, continuous education is your master key.


QUESTION ⁉️ “Is 100 cash buyers enough on our list to be successful in wholesaling real estate?”

Cody Sperber is the creator of Clever Investor, a platform he uses to train and coach real estate investors and also on wholesaling real estate.

In this video, will show you a clip where he was talking about cash buyer’s list which is an essential part of a wholesaling real estate business.

While I agree with him for the most part, I think he is ultimately wrong and I share why I know so in the video. ENJOY THE VIDEO!

Frequently Asked Question

Who is the CEO of Clever Investor?

Cody Sperber is the CEO of Clever Investor.

Who is the number one investor in the world?

Determining the “number one” investor is subjective, but figures like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos often top such lists.

How to become an investor?

To become an investor, start by educating yourself on investment strategies, markets, and financial literacy. Consider seeking guidance from experienced mentors or joining investment communities.

How do you invest properly?

Investing properly involves thorough research, diversification, risk management, and a long-term perspective. Understanding your financial goals and risk tolerance is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

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