PART 1 OF 17 – Recession Proof
The old school real estate wholesaling model is 100% dependent on the 1st product that people stop buying in any sign of recession.
It is not recession proof.
PART 2 OF 17 – Do what I say; NOT what they do
The old school model is based on what the gurus says but not what they do.
PART 3 OF 17 -Always Be Leveraging
While the gurus, smart wholesalers and business owners leverage social media personal Branding & content marketing…
The old school model involves knocking on doors and driving for dollars.
PART 4 OF 17 -Building Empires vs Flipping Deals
The new school smart wholesalers understands that this is about building an empire while the old school wholesaler just want to flip the next deal.
PART 5 OF 17 – Funded Perpetual Marketing
The old school wholesalers are stuck on struggling to fund their marketing while the guru and smart wholesalers leverage personal branding on social media to fund perpetual marketing.
PART 6 OF 17 -Instant Equity vs Wealth Building
The old school wholesaler is dependent on instant equity therefore exposing them to vulnerability of a non-sustainable business model…
And recessions while the smart wholesaler understands the balance between speed (which success loves), time and patience as part of the formula to real equity and long term wealth building.
PART 7 OF 17 – Dead Marketing Strategies
The old school wholesaler basically focuses on the 4 main dead marketing strategies that the gurus encourage namely…
- Driving for dollars
- Knocking on doors
- Cold calling and
- Direct mailing
While the smart wholesaler hacks into what the gurus actually do; brand and content marketing via modern media.
PART 8 OF 17 -Wholesaling vs Marketing
The old school wholesalers basically think they are primarily real estate investors while the smart wholesaler is fully 100% aware that they are marketers with respect to modern media.
PART 9 OF 17 -Multiple Streams of Income
The old school wholesaler has ONE income stream which is from flipping a deal that 99% of them will never find while the smart wholesaler has at least 3 multiple income streams including monthly cash flow, passive and residual income.
PART 10 OF 17 -Cold vs Hot Prospects
The old school business model spends time, money and resources on trying to market to cold real estate prospects while the smart wholesalers leverage existing HOT prospects that are already in the game but struggling to close their first or next deal.
PART 11 OF 17 – Process vs People
The old schools wholesalers is focused on making sure that all the pieces of the puzzle such as contracts, exit strategies, attorneys, title companies etc. are in place 1st while the smart wholesaler focuses on abundance in traffic of people which is same reason why McDonalds’ franchisee’s first concern is great locations with high traffic.
PART 12 OF 17 – Deals vs Service
The old school wholesaler is always looking for the deal while the smart wholesaler focus is looking for people to serve and spots where they can add value.
PART 13 OF 17 – Deals vs Empire
The old school wholesalers are lost right now in the middle of the wholesaling fest on craigslist and guru Facebook groups (where wholesalers are calling wholesalers with no cash, credit, intentions, ability or resources to actually buy) while the smart wholesalers are clear on their 30-90 minutes empire building activity for the day.
PART 14 OF 17 – Cash vs Qualified Buyers
The old school wholesalers are looking for deals for the weak and fake cash buyers on the dead cash buyers’ list (a complete joke) handed or sold to them by gurus while the smart wholesaler is attracting and extracting real and qualified buyers using systems and today’s modern media.
PART 15 OF 17 – Motivated Sellers vs Buyers
The old school wholesalers thinks money comes from motivated sellers while the smart wholesaler is fully aware that money comes from once place; from people… specifically buyers.
PART 16 OF 17 – The Power of a Pipeline
The old school wholesaling model focuses on one prospect at a time, putting the prospect on a pedestal and basically getting disappointed while the new school understands the power of a pipeline and filling it daily with prospects, build the list and building relationship with the prospects simultaneously and equally.
PART 17 OF 17 – S.M.A.R.T Wholesaling System
The old schoolers set themselves up for failure by just flowing with it while the smart wholesalers position for success by leveraging a S.M.A.R.T system and goals; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused & Time-Bound.