You are about to discover the 3 top secrets that we use in building nationwide list of cash buyers for wholesale real estate.
The best part about this is that we do it all online and….
…At an effective cost of $0 without having to go beg cash buyers at the local meetup for their contact information.
Clearly, the attention of audience for any business is changing and shifting everywhere.
The future of wholesale as a real estate investing strategy is not looking too good for…
People who do no get access to the 3 secrets below to building their own nationwide list of cash buyers in real estate.
The actual secret is list building which is what happens when people fill out a simple form of our web landing page.
So why would a potential cash buyer and
…or real estate investor give you their contact information? It’s simply not enough to be promising to send them deals.
Also because everyone else is already doing that right? And as I said earlier…
You have to stand out in the new era to build your own controlled list of cash buyers.
As a result, we attract them by giving away something of value; that’s called attraction marketing.
So, the valuable is a simple informational product such as a video, a PDF, a free book, a cheat sheet etc.
…something to ease their journey.
So, we simply give it away in exchange for their contact info such as name, email address and/or phone number on a landing page.
So, now that we’ve officially changed the business of wholesale real estate to that of list building and marketing,
We need to update something else.
It’s true that some gurus are teaching the concept of “one deal away.”
While I get that it’s a motivational concept, getting stuck on that can become a very expensive believe system.
A better mindset to approach marketing and list building with is a pipeline mindset by perpetually marketing.
It’s a long game just like any entrepreneurship journey.
You need multiple leads coming into your pipeline perpetually on a daily basis.
Because it shows you that you have options.
In wholesale real estate in the digital age, multi-dimensional options must be built into your operation.
For example if a buyer or seller or partner is not willing to move forward in a deal, you want to set yourself up to make that a non-issue.
Because you can just grab another person from the pipeline.
What if you could market and build a list for free?
For example, with this concept, you can effectively market and build your list (the asset) at an effect cost of $0.
Instead of waiting for ever to close a deal, you can send emails with valuable information-based affiliate product to your list.
An affiliate product is simply a digital product that its creator allows you to offer the contacts on your list and get paid when a sale is rang.
I have been using this secret to rake in 1’000’s of $$$ outside of the wholesale deal that I do close…for more than a decade.
Not only does that money pay for all our marketing; it has become extra income that pays our bills.
Initial marketing of your free giveaway will require investing time, money and skills; but you are building an online empire.
These are the 3 secrets that you can leverage to build your own empire…
By focusing on building and monetizing a nationwide list of cash buyers with real estate as a very strong back bone.