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What LICENSES Do You Need To Flip Houses?

What LICENSES Do You Need To Flip Houses?

From Data to Deals
Question: “What LICENSES Do You Need To Flip Houses?” All right, so licenses to flip houses? I don't know. You know, I get that question a lot. That's why you see me doing that but it's a legitimate question. It depends on where you are in the business. Maybe it sounds dumb for some, but it's not a dumb question, it’s actually legitimate question. What is Flipping Houses? It means you buy a house for lower, and you sell it for higher. Sometimes we do that using strategy, creative structuring, like wholesaling, …like subject tools and stuff like that but it's still buying and selling houses technically. All of that is flipped houses. In recent times they try to separate it, Flip houses means you actually do the work. But…
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From Data to Deals
Question: “How Do You FIND INVESTORS?” Somebody was watching one of the bird-dog videos that I have out there on the channel. So what is bird-dogging? Bird-dogging is basically a dog that goes out to fetch birds, something like that. And the idea of that is, it’s some kind of a term that's used to describe people that just go out there to find deals. So all you do is you just drive around town, you find an over weeded house, a house that looks like it needs some work, …and basically it needs some work and all you do is write down the address and send it to “an investor” who would want to buy the house. That's the idea, but It's a terrible idea in 2020 and beyond.…
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Can I Call A FORECLOSURE ATTORNEY For Info On A Property?

Can I Call A FORECLOSURE ATTORNEY For Info On A Property?

From Data to Deals
Question: “Can I Call A FORECLOSURE ATTORNEY For Info On A Property?” Let me give you a quick background to why this question came up. On this YouTube channel, if you're watching on YouTube or on Facebook,  You can find my YouTube channel - Ola Tux Abitogun. We have tons of videos on pre foreclosure wholesaling and some of these questions come in from time to time. What I teach here is, remember what I just said “Data”, I talked about data just now. I talked about building this as a business, not just some kind of hobby, not as a 1963 business. It's about data. Everything starts with data. But if you have to call attorneys to find out the information on the property, ...ask yourself how many properties…
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How Do You STRUCTURE A Wholesale Real Estate?

How Do You STRUCTURE A Wholesale Real Estate?

From Data to Deals
Question: “How Do You STRUCTURE A Wholesale Real Estate?” You approach a homeowner or better yet... It's actually better when they approach you because the conversation is different. That's why I only teach attraction marketing in all of these. Anything that involves you proactively reaching out to homeowners that haven't said they want to sell, …or haven't shown that they want to sell at any point, I shy away from it because it's just not worth my digital time. Based on the fact that I know better things to do with my time like attracting them... ...Like setting up Facebook and Instagram ads that actually attract them to me. Now, once you set all that up, Once you get through the four stages shown in the process below, …you have…
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How Do Real Estate Wholesalers GET PAID?

How Do Real Estate Wholesalers GET PAID?

From Data to Deals
Question: “How Do Real Estate Wholesalers GET PAID?” Real Estate Wholesalers get paid when deals close. As you can see in the diagram below, Deal is on number 5 and that’s when real estate wholesalers get paid, Traditionally. Traditionally, that’s how wholesalers get paid. When somebody actually brings some money to the table as a buyer who actually pays for the deal, …and then on that same transaction, they pay you a fee for finding the deal. That’s how you get paid. But with the evolution of everything like technology, learning how the game works, ...learning marketing, learning how equity works in real life. See, some people actually wait until there is equity in an actual property but the truth is that. In the way that I will teach you,…
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Is Wholesale Real Estate Easy?

Is Wholesale Real Estate Easy?

From Data to Deals
Here is my opinion about anything that is worthwhile in life, …we are talking about good relationships, good business, we are talking about life, wealth, also good health right? Having good health, is it easy to eat healthy everyday? Of course that’s not easy. It’s not a matter of if it’s easy or not, it’s not relevant. Easy, hard, difficult… Those kinds of words are not relevant to anything that’s worthwhile. So the real question is, is it worthwhile? Which is the previous question that we answered. Is it worthwhile for you, it’s personal. I don’t think easy is relevant when it comes to business. I think people that end up looking for easy all over the place, they eventually just stay broke. In fact some of them can close…
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Is Real Estate Wholesaling WORTH IT?

Is Real Estate Wholesaling WORTH IT?

From Data to Deals
Question: “Is Real Estate Wholesaling WORTH IT?” The process I showed you, this 5 steps right here: It looks excruciating but not really, it’s actually simple.It’s just like anything you do in life. Like if you get hired into a job, they give you a job description, …and the majority of the job description out there is a lot more complicated than what I just showed you above. They just send you through training, they’ll say this is what you are gonna be doing daily, …and then you’re gonna make a few mistakes here and there. Then eventually the more mistakes you make the better you become at the processes and learning how to successfully collect the check every Friday. There’s nothing really different here. It’s the same thing, except…
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From Data to Deals
Question: “How Do You BECOME A REAL ESTATE WHOLESALER?” Well, I wrote the bible on real estate wholesaling, it’s called “Smart Real Estate Wholesaling” which you can download. First of all, what is wholesaling? Wholesaling is the art and science of finding deeply discounted real estate properties, then locking it under contract and flipping the contract. So the piece of paper that you lock in a price, a specific price point that’s going to basically create a profit for an investor. Then you just find an investor who will pay for that property but they also pay you a fee for finding the deal. That’s the key thing, that’s the most important part about the whole game of wholesaling. So, How do you become a real estate wholesaler? Honestly, it’s…
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How Do I Start Wholesaling Real Estate?

How Do I Start Wholesaling Real Estate?

From Data to Deals
Question: “How Do I Start Wholesaling Real Estate?” It’s a good question. Wholesaling means you lock up properties under contract at a price that’s less than what it’s worth in today’s market, For the purpose of assigning the contract to an end buyer. You can make a lot of money doing that but I teach Smart Real Estate Wholesaling here. Meaning, I am doing everything from my laptop from home, …so you can do more and be more productive and not be at the mercies of everyone joining the business just to “call”. You want to build a real business behind this. So, How Do I Start Wholesaling Real Estate? Honestly it starts with Market Research. There’s these 5 stages of the process that you need to master. PREVIOUS POST:…
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What is the 70% RULE In House Flipping?

What is the 70% RULE In House Flipping?

From Data to Deals
Question: “What is the 70% RULE In House Flipping?” You want to go to a free tool that I put together for you all, it’s called, It will forward you to the tool on our website What is ARV? It means After Repair Value. If you are asking the question What is the 70% rule in house flipping? It simply means that your cost of the acquisition of the property cannot be more than 70%. It’s not 70% everywhere in the world, in some locations it’s 65% meaning all the investors in that area on an average, …they suggest that your cost of acquisition and the cost of repairing the property all together can not be more than 70%. Why? Because that’s why you’re in business, you wanna…
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