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Quick Tip on Remarketing to your Prospect without Being a Stalker.

Quick Tip on Remarketing to your Prospect without Being a Stalker.

Do you think that your cousins and friends treat you like a STALKER because of your old school remarketing strategies? Have you EXHAUSTED your "WARM MARKET?" Were they actually warm or just simply your family? Did they trust YOU with the type of business opportunity, products or services you were trying to sell, sort, offer.. whatever? When I started, my mother didn't even trust me with her phone services. She trusted Verizon more. I guess she wasn't in the warm market after all. May be it was just me... But it wasn't just me because I knew she trust me with a whole bunch of other stuff. She trusted me with loving her as my queen. Remarketing VS STALKING STALKING is not cool but its worse when it is done…
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Are You Here To Learn How To Market Your Business?

Are You Here To Learn How To Market Your Business?

I want to build my Leads list FA$T, I want to generate MASSIVE Traffic & Exposure
So you are here to learn how to market your business and to make money? So you can double, triple and quadruple your business profits? Then we have to get into your heart, mind and head chatter and this just gives me a headache just thinking about it. So maybe you're here just to listen to what your heart is trying to tell you. But you are here for a reason. There must be reason why you are here. So take advantage of it. And listen to what your heart, mind or head are telling you. Whichever one is telling you to listen to me. It is telling you to take your business serious once and for all. And to learn how to market your business. Everything you need to…
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ONE Major Traffic Generation Problem all Networkers & Marketers Must Know Before Buying again

ONE Major Traffic Generation Problem all Networkers & Marketers Must Know Before Buying again

I want to generate MASSIVE Traffic & Exposure
Getting traffic to an offer, your offer, your products, services and opportunities is key to an healthy 'evergreen' business. But there is a BIG problem... Want to lose a lot of money buying traffic? Then feel FREE to ignore reading this post. As a networker, the more traffic you expose your business presentation to, the more people you will sponsor. As an internet marketer, the more traffic you get in front of a landing page, the better your chances of converting a sale. Last but not least, as a BRAND NEW person approaching entrepreneurship for the first time, remember that money comes from people. Therefore the more internet traffic of people you know how to generate, the more revenue you can create. Traffic generation is a skill that is so…
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Top 3 Elements that Initiates Sales & Recruiting Consistently

Top 3 Elements that Initiates Sales & Recruiting Consistently

Sales and Recruiting for many is like pulling decayed tooth. An average prospect normally act like a recruiter is the enemy or at the least, act like they smell, don't they? My point is that no one like the sales guy or the MLM recruiter until these 3 things I want to share with you is in place. Thank God. Some prospects are gracious enough to promise to take a look at your CD, website or whatever medium the business opportunity presentation comes in. However the chances that they will ever look at it is almost slim to none. Sometimes, they misplaced it OR... did they? LOL... The main problem with this process in your business is actually efficiency and effectiveness. Does the amateur recruiting method work sometimes? YES! Consistently?…
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Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Networker in Entrepreneurship

Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Networker in Entrepreneurship

I want to be a Leader that ATTRACT results.
Quitting is not just a characteristics of losers... Everyone has thought about throwing in the towel at one point of the other. As humans, this is a normal feeling because becoming a PRO at sales and recruiting requires one of the most difficult things for us to do. PATIENCE! The question that comes next is patience for how long? Answer: For as long you are not actively engaging in this 3 things I am about to reveal to you. Have you ever felt like you are doing everything but results are just not showing up. "Hope deferred makes the heart weak" ...according to the scriptures right. Here are the top 3 ways to stay motivated. Daily morning marketing routine: Listening to Audio Training: Getting out to the events. 1. Daily…
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5 Simple Steps to Deploying a Profitable Network Marketing Campaign in the Digital Age.

5 Simple Steps to Deploying a Profitable Network Marketing Campaign in the Digital Age.

I want to generate MASSIVE Traffic & Exposure
It's very simple. I am revealing my personal step-step-step deployment checklist to you here.  TAKE NOTE. .. and NOTE that I like setting it up backwards in order to ensure not missing anything. 1. A Digitally Deliverable Information Product As a network marketer in the digital age, you need to have a layer of information marketing on top of what you do. So make sure you have an information product in a deliverable form in place.  This is not just for internet network marketers. Every business needs to have an information product in place.  To prove that to you, here is an example of a car wash business. You may say, "Ola, how can a car wash market with an info-product?   Don't you need the car brought in to wash?"…
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Traffic, Remarketing & Retargeting Plan for Internet Network Marketers

Traffic, Remarketing & Retargeting Plan for Internet Network Marketers

I want to build my Leads list FA$T, I want to generate MASSIVE Traffic & Exposure, myEmpirePRO
In this post, I want to share with you a simple marketing plan that I created for myself. This plan will increase your conversion dramatically. With this, you do not need a BIG LIST. This is stealth stuff.... I am always in marketing mode. Even when I am supposed to be relaxing, I still bring a paper and a pen to avoid ticking off the wife so I can scribble stuff down. ... know what I mean.... You know what they say right... happy wife and happy life... This is about lifestyle right... This is how I've created many of the million dollar campaigns I've deployed in my career. By having a note and a pen as much I remember. The Competitive Advantage in Traffic Evolution; Facebook Remarketing Staying Competitive…
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